Transparent Touchscreen Technology
This 1080p full HD LCD display replaces the traditional flat panel backlight for a backlit display housing, allowing you to create a completely unique interactive experience overlaying physical items. Here is an example of the Transparent Touchscreen used alongside our software Hotspot.

Meld Physical with Interactive
Amaze users by offering layered information alongside physical objects. When combined with compatible software the transparrent touchscreen can operate like any other touchscreen except anything white allows the items stored within to be visible.
High Spec PC and Windows OS
The inbuilt high spec PC with Windows OS can run any compatible software lightening fast thanks to the i7 CPU and 240GB SSD, while the 10 point capacitive touchscreen allows the use of multi-touch interactive software.

Lightbox 3
Combined with our own software package ‘Lightbox 3‘ you can create truly engaging interactive experiences, utilising the wide range of apps such as Hotspot or Collections you’re able to overlay interesting multi-media interactives and create a unique user experience.